Monday, November 17, 2008

Things to Celebrate...

In order to maintain some semblance of sanity, I feel it's important to reflect on the things that make me happy. Here is my list, in no particular order:
  • Watching Inga sleep; she looks so peaceful and content.
  • Cuddling with Jason for fifteen minutes every morning before getting up for the day.
  • Skinny white mocha lattes.
  • Fall colors and crisp weather.
  • Sweaters.
  • Live concerts. Outdoor, indoor, big, small- it doesn't matter, I love them all.
  • Going out to dinner with good friends.
  • Rainy days.
  • Sleeping in.
  • Discovering good, new music. (Check out my latest obsession, Blue Sky Black Death)
  • Boating with my family.
  • Camping. 
  • Laying in the grass on a warm, sunny day. 
What makes you happy? 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mr. J and Mrs. J

It's been made official, legally bound, and witnessed by many. Jason and I are now married! The whole three days leading up to and including our wedding day are a blur. The five-ish hours beginning with the ceremony and leading up to our departure felt like they really only lasted twenty minutes. 

I have never had the privilege of having everyone I am close to and love in the same room at the same time. It was so much fun and totally chaotic. I can't wait to get the pictures back... in about 16 weeks, according to my overpriced photographer. 

I can't begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be rid of the stress wedding planning brings. And I fully understand why most people go on a honeymoon directly following the wedding. We have to wait a couple of months before departing on our Mexican Riviera cruise. I'm sure we'll be grateful for it all the same. I can't wait to share the sun, sand, and margaritas with my Mr. J.

One week after the "I do's", I was laying on a hospital bed doped up on a "morphine cocktail" to help numb the pain of passing a kidney stone. I have never experienced this horrendous pain before and hope that this is the first and only experience I have to endure. No more soda for this girl! The least glamorous part about a kidney stone ordeal is having to filter your urine in the days following in an attempt to catch the little bugger. Talk about inconvenient! Who wants to carry a funnel shaped object around campus? Better yet, since they can be re-used a few times, where do I put it after said use!? If someone can come up with a reasonable suggestion, I'll consider it. 

Well, back to paper writing. I've procrastinated long enough and this thing isn't going to write itself. 

Distracted student