Saturday, June 27, 2009

Runner Up

Today I accomplished something I never really aspired to but am glad I did it anyway. I ran in my first 5k race, the 2009 Herriman Step Rock Run 5k, to be exact. My bubbly friend Madison somehow talked me into running 2.5 miles with her on Thursday morning at the ungodly hour of 7:15 and then pushed me further by challenging me to run 4.5 miles with her yesterday morning at that same ungodly hour. She's training for to compete with her mom in a 10k on the 24th of July and they signed up for today's 5k to practice. I was coerced into registering and am so glad that I did because I took 2nd place in my division and 27th overall in my very first 5k! Madison took 3rd place. We are now the proud owners of a silver and bronze generic "Running" medal. I can't wait for the next one.

Having spent the last three days pushing my body harder than I can ever remember, I am hobbling around like an old man. My shins hurt (shin splints!?), my hip-flexors scream at me, and my thighs burn whenever I force them to move from a standing to a sitting position and vice versa. I'm looking forward to getting back out there in a couple of days when I've recovered.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wimbledon Redeemed

Novak Djokovic

I just saw this tennis hottie on Sports Center and have a newfound interest in Wimbledon. He kind of looks like Justin Bartha, that blue-eyed sweetie from National Treasure and The Hangover, but with a hot Eastern European accent.
He's just been added to my "list"- you know, the list of people, usually famous, that you are allowed to hook up with given the opportunity and not face consequences from your significant other. I wonder how he'd feel about an early 20s married girl from Utah.

Who's on your list?

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Everyday I open a little card that contains a quote about believing and spend the day internalizing what it says. I would like to share them with you because I believe they have the ability to transform our thought patterns from destructive and debilitating to uplifting and productive. 

These will come in handy when I interview in Chicago two weeks from now for a position with the Green Corps! 

"There is more inside you than you dare think." - David Brower

"The difference between what we do, and what we are capable of doing, would solve most of the world's problems." - Mahatma Gandhi

"Expectation is everything. Every day can be your day, if you can expect it to be." - Bob Moawad

"No one really knows enough to be a pessimist." - Norman Cousins

"We do not believe if we do not live and work according to our belief." - Heidi Wills

"Believe it! High expectations are the key to everything." - Sam Walton

"Faith is building on what you know is here so you can reach what you know is there." - Cullen Hightower

"Look at things not just as they are, but as they can be." - David Schwartz 

"There is always one unexpected little moment in life when a door opens to let the future in." - Graham Greene (I carry this in my wallet)

Pick a couple and chew on them for a while. The last two are my favorite.