1. I (finally) got a job! Not just any job, but a "grown-up" job with health benefits, paid vacations, and a salary. I am back to working in
the construction industry and super excited about it. Yay!
2. We adopted a new dog a couple of weeks ago! Lucy is a super adorable 1 1/2 year old black lab. She is a tail-wagging, dog-loving, people-loving, ball of energy and we couldn't be happier. Inga, on the other hand, is not so happy. She's slowly transitioning from a very spoiled only dog to sharing attention.

Blog world, meet Lucy. (She's charmed, I'm sure.)
3. Since Jason and I now work in Park City we are looking to move up there. My goal was to be there before the first snow fell but I had no idea that would be so soon! Seriously, snow in September is ridiculous.
4. I am going to visit Jon and Madison in New York in November! Super cheap plane tickets + free place to stay + 2 great friends = epic fun for 8 days!
That was the news in 60 seconds.
I'm off to bed. I have to get up early for my grown-up job.
Good night.